Thursday, August 16, 2012

Arcade Project

Well, this project is a little bit different.  Not only is it a little bit more of a challenge due to some of the extreme details in some of the objects, and the lack of good images online, but I don't have access to a proper UV mapping program, like I did during school this past year.  However, I have to say, that it's turning out to look pretty good, though I've not gotten too much done.
This is a project that I decided to do myself.  I wanted to do something fun and interesting, something different, and I decided that it would be really neat to just create an arcade.  I can already for see the amount of time that is going to be put into this project, but I have to say, I've gotten a good start on it.  For the most part, many of the arcade cabinets themselves can be left the same.  Many companies, I've found out, had a certain style of cabinet, and stuck with it, or a small variation of it, for a period of time, before switching, if they ever did.  Therefore, this project is going to be a lot of making sure the models are perfect, but mostly applying different textures to the models and arranging the buttons on the machines to make sure they are in the proper layout.

Arcade with Shadows(blogger seems to be causing some color issues here)

Donkey Kong Machine

Ms. Pacman Machinew

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Medieval Room Project

So this was the final project for my class "Computer Graphic Imagery" at Drexel University.
The goal seemed simple.  Create a room with 3D models that looked as realistic as possible.  But as I'm sure plenty of my classmates, and those in the classes before me, agree:  This would be no easy task.  About four all nighters and 150+ hours spent on the project, led to the creation of this lovely medieval style room.  The candle flames aren't all that good, but I think as a whole, most of the room comes together very nicely.